What is nutritional therapy?
Nutritional Therapy is the application of nutrition science in the promotion of health, peak performance and individual care. It is a complementary medicine and relevant for individuals with chronic conditions, as well as those looking for support to enhance their health and wellbeing.
let Food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.
- hippocrates
The approach is individualized and based on the Functional Medicine Model (FMM). We seek to find the root cause of the symptoms and address those, rather than simply trying to manage the symptoms. Our aim is to ensure all the systems of the body have what they need in order to function to their optimum. Nutrition is the key as well as other lifestyle factors that all affect our health.
A Naturopath is a health practitioner looks at a person as a holistic unity of body, mind, and spirit and also applying approved natural healing practises. At a time when modern technology, environmental pollution, poor diet, and stress play a significant role in the degradation of health, a Naturopath’s ability to apply natural methods of healing is of considerable importance. Providing personalised care to each patient, the naturopath sees humankind as a holistic unity of body, mind, and spirit. Each individual is unique and what works for one person, may not work for another.
What happens in a consultation?
A naturopathic nutritionist will spend significant time to go thought a person’s condition, medical history, diet and lifestyle, and any conventional treatments that they may be taking to get a picture of the complete health state of the client. If needed, pathology testing such as stool, or blood analysis or functional testing may be recommended.
Once all of the information is gathered, a treatment plan is formulated that addresses all areas of the person’s life, providing the body with the optimum chance to heal itself. The treatment plan may include advice on diet, lifestyle, exercise or other suitable remedies. The practitioner may also refer the client to other practitioners as part of an integrated health care approach.