

Coconut yoghurt with kiwi & mixed nuts and seeds

Diary free breakfast with natural coconut yoghurt with fresh kiwi and toasted almonds, shelled hemp seeds, pumpin seeds and toasted coconut flakes.

Why to eat this:

  • kiwi is one of the best sources of vitamin C containing xxx for each fruit.

  • shelled hempseed are packed with xxx and 2 spoons gives you

    Mixed nuts xxxx

  • pumkin seeds xxx


Greek yoghurt with fresh raspberries, fresh mint and mixed nuts

Natural greek yoghurt with fresh raspberries, fresh mint and walnuts.

why to eat this:

  • yoghurt - great protein source

  • raspberries great source of fibre - 1/2 dll gives you xx of daily rec.

  • walnuts - great source of omega 3

  • fresh mint - vitamin C


Chia pod with coconut cream, mixed nuts and gojji berries

to make:

Soak 2 table spoons of chia seeds in 2 dl of coconut milk or cream for higher fat content. mix several times during the first 10 minutes to avoid the seeds getting sticky. Ready to eat after 4 hours or next day. Serve with mixed seeds and gojji berries etc.

why to eat this

  • chia seeds great source of fibre, xxxx

  • flax seeds great source of omega 3 and fibre.

  • gojji berries - superfood - contianing xxx