Red pickled onion with lime and bay
Onions are a great source of a fibre called inulin, that we need for our gut health and feed the healthy bacteria in our gut.
Inulin increases the diversity of intestinal flora, increases insulin sensitivity, reduces metabolic syndrome and prevents the development of diabetes type 2. Other sources are chicory root, garlic and Jerusalem artichoke.
You need:
3 red onions, thinly sliced
100 ml cider vinegar
½ tsp salt
1 lime, thinly sliced
2 bay leaves
Do this:
Place all ingredients in a glass bowl and mix together. Cover and leave to infuse in the fridge for at least 30 min or preferably overnight.
Use when infused or store the pickled onions in a sterilized jar in the fridge for up to 3 months.
Serve with everything and every day for a happy gut!